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…not down the Rabbit Hole but out of the Rabbit Hole!

through the podcast series: Marking into the Paradigm…

Our perceptions of reality are formed by culture beliefs, even as science is now acknowledging reality is not out there independent from us.

If we do indeed create reality, then there are ways to begin to perceive the reality more congruent with who we are.

FOLLOW the Podcasts Series: Marking into the Paradigm with Majio to explore it for yourself….

Episode # 1 Introduction to Marking into the Paradigm

Episode # 2 Asemic Writing to extends perceptions through marking

Episode # 3 Marking practice distinguishes joy from happiness        

Episode # 4 What motivates you influences your level of creativity

Episode # 5 Thinking with your hands

Episode # 6 Marking into dichotomy, composite theory

Episode # 7 The practice of becoming-like-other

Follow the podcasts:

YouTube Video Podcast
Spotify Audio

Contact for classes and events: anavami@cruzio.com


July 8, 2024 – Marking into the Paradigm Episode3 Joy
Episode explores JOY through Marking to reveal a distinction between Joy and Happiness.

June 4, 2024 – Marking into the Paradigm, Asemic Writing
This episode is to highlight the marking approach of Asemic Writing— is a wordless open semantic writing having no specific content, without the smallest unit of meaning.

April 30, 2024 – Introduction to Marking Into The Paradigm
In this episode I discuss ideas about an art-practice that blends visual arts, meditation, and dreamwork along with influences from apprenticeships in traditional Japanese cultural arts. These ideas take us on a journey to re-explore our materials as collaborative elements instead of simply tools. We become responsive rather than manipulative.

Painting into Wobbling the Paradigm – a long slide show YouTube podcast 

Wobbling the Paradigm with Majio Becomes  Mark-making Emerging from the Field ~ a video at the studio

Majio at Studio Anavami interview with video

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